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Segems Healthy Herbal Teas

Right now Segems carry 3 healthy Herbal Teas:-

Our first in the line up is the Kinkeliba tea. The Kinkeliba is our most famous and number one seller mainly due to its value because of its contents. Kinkeliba means the "health tree" and the French import kinkeliba and call it "tisane de longue vie" or infusion of long life.

First, what is tea and what is Kinkeliba tea. Tea, according to the Harvard Health Publishing, is the second most popular beverage in the world, next to water. Tea is produced by steeping the young leaves and leaf buds of the tea plant into boiled water. This is the same process for Kinkeliba tea. They say there’s nothing a cup of tea can’t fix, and there is some truth to that. With historical roots in East Asia, like the British people say that it is nothing like starting your morning without old Grey and people of different cultures from around the world have been drinking tea for thousands of years. Science appears to support this practice.

Kinkeliba is a herbal tea with many health benefits. Kinkiliba is used daily to brew a strong tea that is mixed with sugar and milk and is drunk with bread at sundown as a means of breaking the daily fast. Kinkiliba is used specifically for this purpose because of its sweet flavor and because it is believed to be an appetite stimulant, as those who have been fasting want to be able to enjoy as much rich food as possible in the evening after eating nothing from sunrise to sunset.

Segems Kinkeliba Herbal Tea

The leaves, roots and barks are said to have many medicinal usages such as anti-inflammatory properties and detoxifying properties. Kinkeliba makes a strong brew of tea and most importantly can be drank with milk and desired sweeteners. Honey is recommended as the desire sweetener. Kinkeliba tea has a well documented traditional and safe medicinal use. You may decide to look further into this by doing your own research on Kinkeliba. Segems is really and truly glad to be able to bring this wonderful tea leaves to you here in the market so that you may benefit from health tree.

Our second in the line up is Hibiscus Tea. The Hibiscus tea is well known here and a popular tea that is mainly associated with Jamaica and that is because Jamaica is nearby and they may have been the one to introduce the Hibiscus tea here in the States. However, Segems hibiscus leaves come directly from Africa and in line with our natural and organic products introduction to the market we sell the Hibiscus tea leaves.

Hibiscus tea is an herbal tea that’s made by steeping parts of the hibiscus plant in boiling water.

It has a tart flavor similar to that of cranberries and can be enjoyed both hot and cold.

There are several hundred species of hibiscus varying by the location and climate they grow in, but Hibiscus sabdariffa is most commonly used to make hibiscus tea.

Research has uncovered a range of health benefits linked to drinking hibiscus tea, showing that it may lower blood pressure, fight bacteria and even aid weight loss. Like we said that Hibiscus is already known in the market and we are glad to be able to bring you our organic Hibiscus leaves from Africa and give you the opportunity to benefit from its properties.

Our third tea in the line is Mbor Mbor Tea. Our Mbor Mbor tea is the lessor known of our teas.

Mbor Mbor tea scientific name is Lippus Chevaleri is a herbal tea largely used in the Gambia and other west African countries for its health benefits, mint flavor and mild laxative effect.

Mbor Mbor tea is easy to prepare: it is boiled in a clean water for about 10 minutes and it is best taken with little sugar without milk.

What are the health benefits of Lippia tea?

Lippia multiflora Moldenke, a spontaneous shrub from savannah areas, claims many health benefits (against gastrointestinal disorders, fatigue-relieving and antioxidant properties). Despite this, its consumption is limited to herbal tea infusion.

Segems is really glad to introduce to you our Mbor Mbor tea from west Africa. For now we are just happy to tell you about our 3 healthy herbal teas. We will also let you know about new herbal teas collection as we add to our list. We are usually steep in tradition so we go into history and get the best traditional African herbal teas with real benefits to you or let me say to all of us. Therefore, we would like to end our article with a reference quote from the Harvard Health Publishing of Harvard Medical School:

What is herbal tea?

Despite the name, herbal tea is not actually "tea" as these beverages typically do not contain the leaves or leaf buds of tea plants. Herbal teas are made from tisanes, which are blends or infusions of dried fruits, flowers, spices or herbs in water. Tisanes have been shown to offer medicinal effects. Be an informed consumer—many beverages marketed as "herbal tea" with "herbal tea benefits" are nothing more than sugary juice. Is herbal tea good for you? Some herbal teas offer health-promoting properties and have been used as natural remedies for centuries.

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